As a member of the SUMINOE GROUP, RUNON CO., LTD., handles high-quality functional wallpaper and fusuma paper (paper for sliding doors), aiming at “manufacturing valuable products.” Its products are adopted by many facilities and houses. The company has produced a lot of Good Design Award-winning products. In the hope of making customers’ living and working spaces safer, more comfortable and more fulfilling, RUNON strives to develop products that further fascinate our customers.
RUNON markets “Air-cleaning wall-coverings®” treated with our Group’s proprietary deodorizing technology TRIPLE FRESH®. These coverings enjoy wide popularity, being employed in many hotels, accommodation facilities, medical institutes, elderly care and welfare facilities, and general households.

Fusuma Paper (Paper for sliding doors)
Our fusuma paper lineup is characterized by excellent functionality and diverse design, ranging from classic traditional designs to stylish designs in tune with modern interiors.

Major customers
- Hotels
- Accommodation facilities
- Medical facilities
- Elderly care and welfare facilities
- General housing
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