Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring Compliance

Basic Policy

Corporate activities in compliance with laws and corporate ethics

The Group has formulated its Code of Conduct and its Standards of Conduct, both of which lay out the basic policy for implementing compliance management.

In keeping with the basic policy, officers and employees of the Group strive to ensure that their own ways of thinking and behavior are always in compliance with laws and corporate ethics.

Compliance measures

Creating a corporate culture to develop compliance awareness in daily operations

We carry out various measures to develop compliance awareness among officers and employees. We have published the Compliance Guidance (Japanese, English, and Chinese versions) (first edition in April 2017), which describes our corporate code of conduct and other policies, and have distributed it to all employees in Japan and overseas Group companies after repeated revisions. We also continue to conduct training for officers and executive employees, internal awareness campaigns to prevent insider trading, and in-house study meetings on laws and regulations related to business operations.

Whistleblowing system

Establishing whistleblowing contact points

We have established the Corporate Ethics Hotline in Japan as a contact point through which officers and employees can submit a report, should they find incidences of violation of laws and regulations or corporate ethics within their companies. The Corporate Ethics Hotline Management Office will respond with due consideration to the confidentiality of whistleblowers and the credibility, honor, and privacy of whistleblowers, reported persons, and investigation collaborators. Moreover, internal regulations prohibit any disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers because of their reporting.