Participation and cultivation of diverse human resources

Human Resource Development and Utilization

Basic Policy on Human Resource Development

The Suminoe Textile Group considers human resources to be the source of sustainable corporate growth and the most important assets. The Group cultivates professional and creative human resources, paying respect to the personalities and characteristics of individual employees.

Human resource development programs

  • ① Personnel education is provided basically though OJT (on-the-job training).
  • ② Our training curriculum comprises training programs for young employees (respectively designed for new recruits, for second-year employees, and for third-year employees) and level-based programs offered at every promotion (training for leaders, supervisors, and managers).
  • ③ From among employees in their 30s and 40s, those selected will receive the next-generation leader training program, which uses business schools and in-house collective training sessions.
  • ④ All employees are provided with opportunities for self-development (through corresponding courses, language training, skill improvement training, etc.).
Education system

Diversity and Inclusion

Basic Policy on Diversity and Inclusion

The Suminoe Textile Group fosters an organizational culture where capable and highly motivated employees can succeed, and creates new value and innovation, by accepting and respecting diversity in personal values and attributes, such as nationality, race, religion, gender, age, and physical features.

Promoting Women’s Participation

SUMINOE GROUP’s activities to promote women’s participation

To promote women’s participation, the Group takes a two-axis approach—encouraging female employees to develop their career (training and appointment) and supporting them in continuing to work (work-life balance). We strive to create a work environment where both male and female employees can play active roles.

Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd. and five Group companies in Japan analyzed the issues of respective companies. Reflecting the analysis results, each company established its action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

Promoting Women’s Participation

SUMINOE GROUP’s activities to promote women’s participation

The Suminoe Textile Group believes that mental and physical health of individual employees form a foundation for its business growth. If employees can enjoy working in good health, it will lead to the happiness of employees as well as to the Group’s growth as a “good enterprise.” The Group also upholds health in its fundamental development philosophy “KKR+A” (Kenko [Health], Kankyo [Environment], Recycling, and Amenity). Along with various business activities related to health, we will practice health management through proactive health promotion initiatives.

Health promotion system of Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd.
Promotion of a work-life balance Support employees in striking a balance between career and family life by such means as establishing a system that accommodates diverse work styles.
Measures against lifestyle-related diseases, etc. Prevent and early detect lifestyle-related diseases, etc., and help employees improve their health based on the results of their health checkups.
Measures against mental health problems Implement activities to prevent and alleviate stress, by such means as conducting stress checkups to make them aware of their stress levels and providing consultation services and training programs.
Raising health improvement awareness Implement activities to make employees aware of the importance of maintaining and improving their health in daily life, by disseminating heath information and providing health counseling services.

Work-Life Balance

Basic Policy on Work-Life Balance

The Suminoe Textile Group implements initiatives to allow employees to work in a flexible manner according to various life events, based on the idea that enhanced work-life balance is important for them to continue working with enthusiasm.