Vibration damping sheet(burupita®)

Living free from the stress of vibrations
「Vibration damping sheet(burupita®)」

A vibration damping sheet developed using resin compounding and resin processing technologies. The resin sheet absorbs vibrations by converting vibration energy into thermal energy.

burupita® is a vibration damping sheet that absorbs vibrations in the low frequency range of 1-100 Hz. Two types are available: low temperature type (5-15 ℃) and high temperature type (20-30 ℃). Thus, the performance can be matched to the temperature environment in which it is installed.
The foam-type sheet can be used as a deadening material for automobile door trims to reduce road noise and exterior noise. To date, it has been used as an optional product by automobile manufacturers.

burupita® appearance
Vibration damping performance measured by DMA


  • Lighter weight than general synthetic rubber
  • Flexible and can be applied to curved surfaces
  • Vibration damping performance can be customized according to the operating environment temperature, using our compounding technology.
  • A foam type (lightweight) and metal-restraining type (high vibration damping) are available.
burupita® (foam type)