In Pursuit of Endless Business Possibilities
From textiles to non-textiles, from interior materials to household appliances and food
Moving beyond its conventional business segments, the SUMINOE GROUP has been active in advancing into new business fields, capitalizing on its technological development capabilities. We continue to develop products, materials and technologies that are useful in people’s everyday lives, in keeping with the theme of KKR+A, or Kenko (Health), Kankyo (Environment), Recycle and Amenity.
Functional Products
Tispa® Series
Deodorizers for home use
Supplement harnessing the functionality of persimmon polyphenol
Adding a deodorizing effect to 3D knitted material
Fabric-Coated Heating Products
Electric carpets, Electric blankets, etc.
Functional Materials
Deodorizing Filters
Deodorizing filter using TRIPLE FRESH®
Eco-friendly polyester continuous fiber and products using SUMITRON®
Floor Materials for Bathrooms
Functional floor materials for bathrooms
Polyester high-mesh for screen doors
Functional Sheet
Eco-friendly water shielding/thermal insulation sheets
Cleaning Brush
Removing microscopic dust and preventing static electricity on precision equipment
3D Knitted Material
Functional cushioning materials
KEAT・貴糸 (Yarns for Brushes)
Special polyester yarn that is flexible and firm, and excels in recovery from repeated flexing
Naturally derived health foods and ingredients for foods and cosmetics, featuring high functionality